Learn how to grow garlic and harvest the freshest cloves right from your indoor garden with this easy-to-use guide. Garlic ...
Summer flowering bulbs, from dahlias to begonias, reward you with bursts of dazzling colour right until autumn. Here's when ...
You can’t beat bulbs for maximum charm and minimum effort, and there are some floral superstars that are virtually non-fail ...
Minecraft features 16 vibrant dyes sourced from natural materials and plants, such as flowers, and bone meal. These dyes can ...
Understanding stress physiology and molecular response mechanisms in plants is essential for improving crop production and quality, particularly under ...
‘As well as being amazing to look at, they are particularly bee-friendly,’ she says. If you’re familiar with the rules around the best time to plant allium bulbs, you’ll know autumn is the prime ...
One such example is ramps. Ramps are a colloquial term given to the plant Allium tricoccum, which is native to the woodlands of North America, including the U.S. and Canada. They grow in shady spots ...
In the wild, hellebores are often found growing on limestone, because these soils are usually richer in nutrients. Always prepare the soil before planting by adding lots of organic matter in the form ...