去年10月在苹果Vision Pro被曝出或将停产的消息后,微软的增强现实(AR)头显HoloLens 2也随即宣布停产,就在不少人翘首以盼下一代的HoloLens 3亮相时 ...
IT之家 2 月 12 日消息,微软去年已停止生产 HoloLens 2 头戴设备,现有客户的支持将持续到 2027 年底。 尽管该公司还有一些美国军方的合作合同 ...
元宇宙真的凉了吗?2025年2月12日,微软混合现实首席产品官 Robin Seiler 在一份声明中确认,该公司今后将不再发布任何 HoloLens 头戴设备。消息一出 ...
Microsoft has officially confirmed it will be halting production and sales of its HoloLens mixed reality headsets. In a ...
Microsoft has ended production of its HoloLens 2 headsets, with no sign of a replacement ahead. UploadVR reports that ...
Microsoft has confirmed that the HoloLens 2 is discontinued. In a statement to UploadVR, the company acknowledged that customers and partners who want to get their hands on the company's ...
I first tried out Microsoft HoloLens a few years ago, a few months before its launch as a developer tool, and came away with similar impressions that many tech journalists had at the time ...
The mixed-reality advancements by Microsoft are ‘a sign that investments from the partner community [on HoloLens] won’t be wasted,’ one solution provider executive says. Microsoft has landed ...
Episode 356: Daniel and Zac discuss the week's biggest Microsoft news, including the death of HoloLens and IVAS, Arm making its own chips, and more!
Microsoft has announced HoloLens 2 Industrial Edition, building off of the success from the HoloLens 2 headset with companies like Lockheed Martin, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust ...
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