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The bat virus, referred to as HKU5-CoV-2, uses the same human receptor as SARS-CoV-2, a strain of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The newly discovered bat strain can infect cells by binding ...
Arizona is home to 28 bat species, from the small ... Hollywood's Harry Potter ride “Bats have amazing adaptations for flight, to move fast in the dark, they’re long-lived, and Arizona ...
You're getting ready for your next trip and starting to plan for how you're going to occupy yourself on your hours-long flight. You pull up Google and search, "Does Southwest have Wi-Fi?" Streaming ...
Large units were dispatched to the scene to investigate the incident and search for clues and suspects. Authorities say they’re aware of at least five explosive devices that either detonated or ...
Pfizer gained as much as 2.6 percent. The lab finding does raise the possibility that this new bat virus could spread from animals to humans, researchers said in a paper published Tuesday in the ...
Disturbing a hibernating bat can be detrimental to its survival, as it depletes vital fat reserves needed to survive the winter. Bats typically seek out more suitable hibernacula in November ...
Kerivoula picta, a.k.a. the painted woolly bat, in flight. (Photo credit: Merlin Tuttle) The painted woolly bat is bright orange and furry, with wings that resemble a monarch butterfly’s. It is a ...