From the blog of Mordechai Silverstein at The Times of Israel ...
YouTuber Beluga wrote an essay about Thick of It by KSI, and told his 833k member Discord server to edit it for him.
在研究的结论和讨论部分,研究人员发现,“同情” 贯穿于整个心力衰竭患者临终护理的过程,是护理工作的基石。这一发现与其他国家的研究结果相呼应,比如日本的研究也指出,医护人员认为心力衰竭患者临终时的心理困扰是重点关注问题。这表明不同地区的护士在为心力衰竭患者提供临终护理时,有着相似的经历和关注点。
The mountain עשן כלו מפני אשר ירד עליו ה’ באש, ‘smoked over all its face, because G-d descended upon it in fire’ (Ex.19:18), ...
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. In a digital landscape full of distractions and misinformation, Christians should seek truth and justice, using ...
Laurea, University of Torino (Italy); MA, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University Benso, Silvia and Antonio Calcagno, edts. Open Borders: Encounters between Italian ...
H idden within the fake pomp and banal compositions of Conclave is a litany of left-wing nostrums, spoken by fictitious characters during the election of a new pope. Ralph Fiennes ...
Faiz Ahmad Faiz is a poet of this family, the family of which Persian poet Nazeeri Nishapuri said, “The one who is not killed ...
In fact, much of America, he said in a phone interview, is stuck in a "slave Bible hermeneutic," a reference to a version of the Bible distributed in the 19th century to enslaved people that ...