The U.S. and Ukraine have agreed on a raw materials deal – but experts say mining rare earths there makes little economic ...
Greek scientist Vasilis Ntziachristos has recently been elected as a new member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina ...
The south-western Baltic Sea has about 3,000 kilograms of dissolved toxic chemicals released from unexploded ordnance, ...
When visibility is normal, pilots can see the clouds ahead out of the cockpit and are trained to recognize the signs of ...
Beginning around 2.5 million years ago, Earth entered an era marked by successive ice ages and interglacial periods, emerging ...
A recent study linked exposure to ultra processed foods to 32 poor health outcomes. Now, a new study suggests many of those ...
Coauthor of the study, Professor Lorraine Lisiecki of the University of California, Santa Barbara, added: “This is important ...
Analysis of Earth's past climate changes suggest the onset of the next ice age could be expected in 10,000 years' time, ...
Researchers have developed a washable touchless technology that enables users to interact with everyday textiles or ...
Pupils from Greifswald's Humboldt-Gymnasium will work with the Helmholtz Institute for One Health to compare innovative methods for monitoring biodiversity and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in and ...
Scientists have developed a groundbreaking type of smart fabric that can be used to control electronic devices without touch.
Unexplained peak in the abundance of beryllium-10 in ferromanganese ocean crusts could become an independent time marker for geological dating ...