CATHOLIC SCHOOLS…. SCHOOLS YOU CAN BELIEVE IN! • Advisory Council Mtg 5:15 p.m. in Lounge.
GA-ASI says that Gray Eagle is the only U.S. Army UAS capable of leveraging Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and Low Earth ...
Christopher Bell sometimes can't believe seven-time NASCAR champion Jimmie Johnson even knows Bell exists. And when Bell's ...
距离广西三月三假期还有半个月的时间,四天的假期将点燃梧州市民的出游热情。3月13日,记者走访我市各大旅行社了解到,目前各旅行社已推出多款广西三月三旅游产品,方便旅客体验民族风情。据了解,目前旅行社推出的旅游产品主要是一至四日的短途游,尤其以纯玩游为主,旅游目的地既有贺州、柳州等区内城市,也有广州、重庆 ...
The new Community Service Aide program will consist of non-sworn employees who will respond to low-priority incidents. The ...
Political slogans are not a new concept. “Make America Great Again” is the result of a 2016 campaign that was able to ...
Insults make good headlines. They can be entertaining. It’s snarky sport. But they can also cause irreparable damage.
The U.S. Supreme Court has revived a case that could decide the ownership of a French impressionist painting that was once ...
Prolific poet Frank Opay of Monticello has amassed quite a collection over the past nearly 60 years. Now he’s sharing a ...
3月10日,云南省曲靖市召开了一场“正风肃纪警示教育大会”,8000余名干部集中观看了警示教育片,其中包括典型案例和忏悔录。 会后,陆良县中医医院医生陈某某在丈夫的陪同下,走进了纪委监委投案。大会结束的第二天,已经退休的陆良县人民医院原党委书记、院长陈寿元同样主动投案。 3月13日,“清风云南”公布了上述消息,陈寿元涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受陆良县纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查,医生陈某某则表示自己 ...