This guide covers everything you need to master Sett: from Summoner Spells and ability tips to combos, runes, builds, and ...
The big League number might be 170 right now, but more are added every season—around a three to four each year, to be exact. We will keep this list updated as they release.
A messy Atakhan fight did give BDS a chance to come back, however, GX was simply too clean this game and was able to wipe out the entire enemy team. Who would have thought that Gragas support would be ...
What are the best League of Legends champions right now? Metas change, the LoL tier list will fluctuate, and it could be that your favorite champion might not be in a great place right now.
When you buy through affiliate links in our content, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Learn how our funding model works. By using this website you agree to our terms and conditions ...
If you want a strong start in Wild Rift, you should always play a meta champion. Meta champs are strong, reliable, and have the ability to carry the team, or at least carry their own weight. Below you ...
Wild Rift is a 5v5 MOBA, an adaptation of the League of Legends game, where players can group up with their friends in stacks and test their skills against over 40 champions – collect them all and ...
The best Maokai builds make the Twisted Treant versatile enough to be flexed in three different roles in League of Legends season 14. While he is traditionally a jungler, Maokai has seen a fair ...
Additionally, an in-game bug occurred involving Fnatic’s Kim Ui-Jin, meaning their matches could not be completed. Riot Games also decided to disable the “Gragas” character, from the rest of the ...