Or try jazzing up your new hangout spot with a few carefully selected pieces of decor. "A great way to integrate a hot tub into a yard is to sink it into a deck or add a pergola overhead," says Yost.
Having a garage sale or yard sale soon? Contact our classified department at 814-946-7422 to place your ad in our newspaper and take advantage of our Map It feature to be online. Like to shop ...
And unlike anything you'll find at an actual garage sale, or yard sale, these tips are all free. You May Need a Garage Sale Permit One thing you might want to do early on is contact your county ...
Advertise your upcoming Garage Sale or plan your Garage Sale trip today using our interactive map. Having a garage sale or yard sale soon? Contact our classified department at 330-424-9541 to place ...
Fortunately, you have total control over them, and we've got tons of yard sale sign ideas to help you bring in business. From ...
Advertise your upcoming Garage Sale or plan your Garage Sale trip today using our interactive map. Having a garage sale or yard sale soon? Contact our classified department at 716-487-1111 to place ...
President & Co-Founder of Garage Living. Before you resort to getting a storage unit for all that holiday decor, there's a more straightforward solution. To get things back in order, he recommends ...
Jan. 30 (UPI) --A New York-based art firm announced its experts have verified that a painting bought for $50 from a Minnesota garage sale is a long-lost work by Vincent van Gogh. The painting ...
MINNEAPOLIS — The art world is buzzing about a new report claiming that a previously unknown painting by Vincent van Gogh was purchased for a few bucks at a garage sale in Minnetonka.