When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more The best 85-inch TVs offer an extra-large viewing experience that smaller screens just can't match.
To find the best 85-inch TVs on the market, I tested over 15 different models and researched countless more. After carefully evaluating each contender, I named the LG G4 TV my top recommendation.
功能特点: 1、利用冷光、单色光作光源,窄带干涉,光学稳定性,不会受到各种光的干扰,光源寿命长达10万小时;2、国家标准方法GB5749-2006、GB5750-2006,可直接测定生活饮用水中35项参数,浓度直读;3、采用图形化界面,彩色液晶触摸屏操作,操作简捷方便 ...
功能特点:利用冷光、单色光作光源,窄带干涉,光学稳定性,不会受到各种光的干扰,光源寿命长达10万小时;国家标准方法GB5749-2006、GB5750-2006,可直接测定生活饮用水中35项参数,浓度直读;采用图形化界面,彩色液晶触摸屏操作,操作简捷方便,显示清晰 ...