We seek agreement on a list of the essential features that differentiate the GABAergic interneurons of ... among the different classes of neurons will become clearer with time.
A study published in Science Signaling on the neural circuitry mediating addiction has made significant strides, particularly in understanding the intricat | Neuroscience ...
This important study assessed the effects of food intake on sharp wave-ripples in the hippocampus of mice during subsequent sleep. Solid evidence supports the conclusion that sharp wave-ripples are ...
Astrocytes play a crucial role in mediating surgery-induced anxiety in mice through modulating GABAergic signaling in the ...
Chanda's team used human neurons derived from stem cells to develop ... Gephyrin promotes autonomous assembly and synaptic localization of GABAergic postsynaptic components without presynaptic ...
Various neuronal subtypes, including cortical and GABAergic neurons, and non-neuronal cells, such as fibroblasts and endothelial cells, were identified. Based on this information, the research ...