「今天你一定要让我找个对标对象,我还是会选择特斯拉FSD。」 「FSD在一些部分依然是断代式领先。」 近日,地平线首席架构师苏箐大方承认了FSD ...
For years, Tesla has been selling people on the idea of full self-driving cars. Now, Elon Musk admits that most Tesla owners ...
Musk insisted for years that Teslas have all the hardware needed already.
这一幕被特斯拉最新发布的视频记录下来,而操控这一切的,正是尚未完全向公众开放的「完全自动驾驶(FSD)无人监督版」。 这是特斯拉第一次将 ...
不久前,特斯拉发布了最新FSD(全自动驾驶)V13.2.2版本,特斯拉首席执行官马斯克信心满满地表示,此次更新将能实现前所未有的智能驾驶能力提升,效能有望提升5到10倍,号称“迄今为止最强FSD,不需人干预,上车到下车全程自动驾驶”。但据网友实测发现 ...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk was asked during the call if so-called hardware 3 vehicles with FSD (the advanced driver-assistance ...
Elon Musk concedes Tesla will need to replace older versions of hardware for FSD, hinting at a costly retrofit.
Tesla researcher Troy Teslike on Sunday reflected on the recent accident where a Cybertruck reportedly collided with a light pole when full self-driving driver assistance technology was deployed.
A Teslas Cybertruck driving on FSD crashed into a pole at night, fueling new controversies around autonomous driving adoption ...
Tesla FSD and General Motors Super Cruise can sometimes force drivers to take unnecessary risks and can drive away the ...
试驾特斯拉,直接“试乘”FSD。 FSD进化到V13后,准车主进店试驾,直接给安排3小时的FSD体验。 整场体验下来,FSD的确征服了准车主,直呼看到了全 ...
快科技2月7日消息,有网友表示,自己和朋友一块开特斯拉去机场接人,但在特斯拉FSD自动驾驶时发生追尾事故。 网友称,当时车速6-70英里/小时 ...