LoopStructural is an opensource Python library for 3D geological modelling. The library has been built in the scope of the Loop project (Loop3d.org). LoopStructural can: Model fault networks ...
The subject of structural geology will provide knowledge of structures that are formed as a result of deformation in rocks. The course provides a good understanding of structural geology and tectonics ...
Folding techniques, also known as origami, the generic term for paper folding, have been applied to many fields, such as in material research [1], robot structure [2] [3], electric devices [4] and ...
Studying the tectonic forces within the Earth give rise to continents, ocean basins, mountain ranges, earthquake belts, and most volcanoes, along with the resulting deformation of geological ...
Multiple factors, including slab geometry and upper-plate stress state, determine the variation in slip behaviour along most megathrusts, according to a synthesis of observations of the Alaska ...