Over the past 12 years, Mathi has implemented advanced flow cytometry techniques, including immunophenotyping (staining for cell surface markers), intracellular staining (ICS), and phospho-flow ...
Flow cytometry (FC) is a powerful tool for multi-parametric cell characterization. In this article, we explore the advances ...
For a decades-old analytical technique, the best, it seems, is yet to come. Most advances in flow cytometry have depended on co-creation, with scientists, research institutions and companies ...
“It really allowed me to ask a lot more questions in my research,” Moore said. However, despite measuring an entire population of cells, flow cytometry is a single-cell technique. “Because you’ve ...
Conventional flow cytometry has relatively limited sensitivity, meaning that heterogeneous cell samples often have to be purified through lysis and wash steps prior to analysis. These steps leave ...
How To Guide How To Achieve High-Quality and Reproducible Flow Cytometry Data Flow cytometry is an extremely widespread technique in the biomedical field as it has a large range of applications and is ...
The Flow Cytometry and Cell Separation Facility provides advanced cell sorting and cell analysis techniques including immunofluorescence detection of 18 colors, cell-cycle distribution, apoptosis ...
Flow cytometry is a technique that enables single whole particles/cells to be analysed. Events pass through lasers and physical properties such as relative size (FSC) and granularity/internal ...
Flow cytometry provides a technique for obtaining information about cells or other particles in a suitable buffer based on laser light scatter and fluorescence emission by bound fluorochromes. This is ...
The Life Sciences Research Facility and the Nano Research Facility are home to the university’s Imaging and Flow Cytometry ...
Larry Sklar (left) is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of New Mexico (UNM; NM, USA) whose interest in flow cytometry as a tool for drug discovery led to the development of ...