2025年3月14日,国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)在上海举办颁奖盛典,现场公布了 2025年度钱伯斯大中华区法律大奖(中资律师事务所) “Chambers Greater China Region(PRC ...
China’s corporate world is used to slashing prices to oblivion, employees working “996 schedule” (that’s 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., 6 days a week), and everyone’s chasing the same shrinking slice of the pie.
Chinese securities firms Guotai Junan Securities and Haitong Securities have merged under the new name Guotai Haitong ...
China's express delivery volume remained high throughout the first two months as the sector entered one of its busiest ...
除了炼油厂和石油库外,乌克兰还向俄罗斯的军事基地发动了袭击。 突发消息,乌军空袭了俄罗斯的两个空军基地。 俄媒ASRTA的报道称,乌克兰的无人机在昨夜还攻击了萨拉托夫和卡卢加的两个空军机场。
"The incubator is a natural extension of our strong business program in Spain, enabling entrepreneurs to develop their ideas in China, one of the world's leading emerging markets, and gain a global ...
据《金融时报》报道,德勤美国税务部门员工被告知年度奖金将与办公室出勤率挂钩。 新规要求员工每周至少保证50%的工作时间(即2-3天)在办公室或客户现场。 这一政策调整与普华永道、安永等其他"四大"会计师事务所,以及科技巨头谷歌近期采取的措施形成呼应。
In an exclusive interview with SFC reporter on March 5, Oliver Oehms, Executive Director of the German Chamber of Commerce in North China, emphasized that China has transitioned from merely being a ...
AsianFin -- Lü Fengmin, the founder and General Manager of E-lead, a Chinese company specializing in developing industrial ...
(19 岁女子小西由香被判 23 年监禁。) 日本北海道旭川市去年 4 月发生一起震惊社会的少女坠桥命案。17 岁女高中生村山月,遭人从桥上推落身亡,涉案的 19 岁女子小西由香与 22 岁女子内田梨瑚,被以共同杀人等罪名起诉。近日,旭川地方法院对其中一名被告小西由香作出判决,判处其 23 年监禁。 (村山月(图左)被内田梨瑚(图右)杀害。) 案件起因源于社交媒体上的一张照片。村山月因随意使用内田 ...