Brad Pitt is set to reunite with his Fury director David Ayer, as the Oscar-winning actor has been cast to star in Heart of the Beast. According to Deadline, the project is an “action adventure film” ...
Sundance Film Festival is one of the movie world’s most high-profile showcases, and a Portland-made feature got this year’s event off to a positive start, according to entertainment industry reports.
The nominations for Original Screenplay popped on the screen, with nominations for Actress in a Supporting Role following shortly after. Nothing yet, he thought to himself.
The stuntman-turned-filmmaker who has made a name in more action movies than heist films, would be the latest director to try their hand at an ‘Ocean’s’ t ...
Here’s a trailer for the inheritance comedy titled Daniel's Gotta Die , and it features Bob Saget in his final role. In the film, “Saget is among a group of so-called grieving family members who have ...