近日,被誉为“六合彩之父”的夏春秋(原名吴锦泉)逝世,享年93岁。他的女儿吴君如在社交平台上宣布了父亲的死讯:“我亲爱的老豆走了。” The father of Hong Kong Mark Six Lottery, Xia Chunqiu, ...
More comprehensive policies are needed to help ease the burden of Malaysia's 'sandwich generation', say experts.
Teacher Phan Thị Phúc loves the children with disabilities and wants to ease their pain, give them strength to live a happy ...
Vietnamese families are shifting from multi-generational to nuclear, and prioritising individual goals, experts said at a forum in HCM.
It is also a study of fate versus free will, filled with flawed gods and mortals with godlike powers, to the point where the ...