Abstract: Nonlinear compensation technology is the key to frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems. Among compensation algorithms, the iterative learning ...
Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of phase noise on range estimation accuracy in harmonic Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) radar systems. Harmonic FMCW radars offer advantages in ...
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4D毫米波雷达工作频率通常为77 GHz-79 GHz,使其在雾、雨或尘土等恶劣环境中具有出色的穿透力,能够极其准确地探测到被遮挡的物体,还能实时分析车辆周围环境,从而更好地提供诸如变道、自动刹车和碰撞规避等复杂驾驶情况的数据信息。