Conveying the extent of disruption and death wrought by the virus in 2020 warranted a marshaling of AP’s global resources, expertise and storytelling for a one-of-a-kind project: the Pandemic Atlas.
The evolution of the education system and curriculum is important, but the foundation of quality education lies in the competency and adaptability of its teachers. In India, the NEP 2020 calls for ...
In the US, our examinations are offered at six Goethe-Institut branch offices ― Boston, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles Washington DC — and at more than 18 examination centers accredited ...
The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) was introduced in the second clinical examination of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA ... We published on the predictive validity of the 9-point CFS in ...
The case related to a February 2020 riots' accused who sought to recall a witness for cross-examination during the trial. He wanted to cross-examine a policeman to elicit the fact that he could ...