Canada's practice of sanctioning Chinese entities is unreasonable and very wrong, foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said ...
China decided on Tuesday to add 10 US firms, including TCOM, Limited Partnership, to the country's unreliable entity list and ...
"China firmly opposes it and has made solemn representations to the Canadian side," Lin said when asked about Canada's announcement that it had imposed sanctions on 76 foreign entities and individuals ...
BEIJING, Mar 8 (China Economic Net) –In Yiwu City, a global small commodity hub in eastern China, Pakistani businessman Rana Sajid found his life's calling. By importing and exporting commodities ...
继美国全面封禁后,澳大利亚以不可接受的安全风险为由,禁止政府机构使用卡巴斯基产品。 澳大利亚内政部秘书长于周五根据《保护性安全政策框架》(PSPF)发布了一项强制性指令,要求所有政府实体禁止在其设备上安装卡巴斯基产品和网络服务,并移除现有的相关产品。
探寻2024年游戏新风尚,极简主义游戏哪个最好玩的排行榜揭示了简约设计的魅力。在这份独特榜单中,我们将一窥那些以最少元素带来最多乐趣的游戏佳作,无论是考验策略的微创新之作,还是视觉与思维并重的轻量级体验。无论你是技术宅还是休闲玩家,不妨跟随我们的导览,发现那些隐藏在极简背后的无限可能。 Ord upp是一款结合了单词拼写和数字运算的益智游戏。玩家需要根据单词的下落字母来创建正确的单词,同时还需要进 ...
BEIJING, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese authorities have unveiled a set of measures to promote and regulate the development of government financing guaranty amid efforts to beef up financing support for ...
3月4日消息,美东时间凌晨12:01,特朗普政府宣布对原产于中国的商品额外加征10%关税的新政令正式生效。这是继2月1日美国对华加征10%关税后,本年度第二次提高关税税率,累计加征幅度已达20%。叠加此前“301调查”实施的25%关税,中国输美商品最 ...
Asianfin -- Yin Qi, the CEO of Qianli Technology, has recently announced the launch of a new "AI + Intelligent Driving" brand ...