“Wow!讯号”的发现无疑是一个里程碑事件,但在其之后的数十年里,科学家们未能再次捕捉到类似的信号,这让外星生命的存在仍旧笼罩在神秘的迷雾之中。在这样的背景下,Frank Drake创立的德雷克公式为我们提供了一种计算外星文明数量的理论框架。
George "Bill" Burrows, who served two terms in the Nebraska Legislature and also ran for governor and Congress, has died.
Throughout his political career, Burrows fought for family farms and for what he called fairer taxes than relying on property ...
2 天
来自MSN探寻宇宙深处:72秒神秘信号是外星呼唤?银河系外星生命究竟有多少?在人类探索宇宙奥秘的漫长征途中,寻找地外生命,尤其是智慧外星文明,一直是一个令人心潮澎湃的梦想。1977年,一个具有划时代意义的发现将这个梦想推向了新的高度。那时,位于美国俄亥俄州立大学的“大耳朵”射电望远镜意外捕捉到了一段神秘的电波信号。这段信号的 ...
Throughout his political career, Burrows fought for family farms and for what he called fairer taxes than relying on property taxes.
To foster interest in hockey among newcomers, West Kootenay hosts all-female hockey days in Trail, open to anyone wanting to ...