Global studies show that lead levels in the blood have decreased since it was removed from petrol in 1999, but experts say ...
Frequently consuming food from plastic containers can increase heart failure risk by 13%. This risk is attributed to harmful ...
We have some bad news for those of you that love getting takeout. Because those plastic containers that your steaming ...
Research shows that plastic takeout containers may leach harmful chemicals into food, increasing the risk of heart failure.
近期,来自广东佛山大学的学生科研团队在国际毒理学领域期刊《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》(影响因子6.2,中科院一区)等发表5篇研究论文。论文针对褪黑素缓解镉毒害的机理展开研究,阐明了调控ZFP36蛋白和植物小肽的新途径。该研究被学术界、科研界、行业专家高度评价为“极具创新性,为全球镉污染治理问题提供重要的理论指导。” 团队成员使用正置显微镜进行镉分 ...
The prospects for rational environmental policies in the U.S., including commitments to biodiversity and public health ...
Here’s what you need to know. The study, which was published in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, was ...
Disposable plastic containers could be leaching dangerous chemicals into your takeaway food, potentially increasing your risk ...
A new study found chemicals can leach from plastic takeout containers into food, impacting the gut biome—and then the heart ...
FOODS high in fat, salt, and sugar are very bad for the heart. But as it turns out, it’s not just what we eat, but how we eat ...
Offered by the Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences at the Faculty of Science and Technology The degree course gives you in-depth knowledge of ecotoxicology in a specific topic that you ...