If you are looking for a new way to unwind in your leisure time, you might want to consider joining an online casino like ...
One proposal in particular has attracted controversy online this year — CPPCC member, Chen Songxi, an econometrics professor at the elite Peking University, has proposed lowering China’s legal age of ...
This is the compulsory course in econometrics. It builds on the bachelor’s level course in statistics and is the starting point for advanced econometrics. In this course you will become familiar with ...
The head of brand marketing tells Tim Healey how the small, family-owned business upended bigger and better-resourced rivals ...
The Portuguese Hotel Association (AHP) argues that the various projects approved for new hotels in Lisbon and Porto will be ...
This course covers core micro-econometric methods and the principles of causal inference. The course builds upon and extends the material covered in ECON4150 – Introductory Econometrics. The course ...
The popular Nelson-Siegel (1987) yield curve is routinely fit to cross sections of intra-country bond yields, and Diebold and Li (2006) have recently proposed a dynamized version. In this paper we ...
Bertille Antoine [Professor, Economics Department, Simon Fraser University, Research Fellow CMFE] is a specialist in econometrics. Her current research covers econometric issues arising in economic ...
In 2009, the economic downturn severely impacted business travel, causing widespread meeting cancellations and increased ...
Philip Pilkington defends his criticism of the aircraft carrier—and advocacy of the novel "ekranoplan" ground effect vehicle (GEV).