直播吧03月04日讯 意甲第27轮,尤文主场vs维罗纳,比赛第83分钟,场上出现争议判罚,尤文球员 洛卡特利 在禁区内射门打在对方防守队员吉拉迪的手臂上,VAR介入但主裁判未判罚点球。
The MSHSL state individual championship meet saw four NRHEG Panthers compete, with one just starting their wrestling career, ...
A man wounded in a Feb. 22 shooting near Grim Avenue and 26th Street died Friday, and Waco police were working to find a suspect.
More than a decade after the bat flip became ubiquitous following a big homer in Major League Baseball, Colorado Rockies ...
Lithuania will become the first country in the European Union to officially leave a multilateral arms regulation agreement when it withdraws on March 6 from the international treaty prohibiting the ...
The gear has been tested by U.S. Army and Navy personnel during a month-long winter research mission to the Arctic.
The family of Liam Payne has broken their silence following the court's decision to drop manslaughter charges against three men previously linked to his tragic passing. In a stat ...
作为市级重点项目之一市中区人民医院白马分院业务用房建设项目自开工以来备受关注现在进展如何一起来看▲两栋主体建筑外观完成近日,记者来到内江市中区人民医院白马分院业务用房建设项目现场看到,两栋主体建筑拔地而起,建筑外观已完整呈现。工人正分散在各个点位忙碌,施工现场忙而有序。项目技术负责人凌建飞表示:“目 ...
Wyoming visits the Fresno State Bulldogs after Obi Agbim scored 21 points in the Cowboys' 72-69 loss to the San Diego State Aztecs.
A landmark Hong Kong venue that became synonymous with Cantonese opera for more than half a century closed its doors in the ...
A popular destination for omelettes, meatloaf, chicken croquettes and other homestyle favorites is getting ready to serve hungry foodies at all hours of the day and night.