【本报讯】2024年,快速消费品在电子商务 (e-commerce)平台销售额达75.4兆盾,同比提高34%。该提高受到所有类别产品的增加。
In un mercato dinamico e competitivo, investire in e-commerce può essere una preziosa opportunità di successo.
【#和的艺术# 职业教育:中卢跨文化桥梁】浙江金华职业技术大学(前身是金华职业技术学院)与卢旺达的职业学校合作,通过职业教育架起中非合作的桥梁。卢旺达青年安平在中国学习电商技能后返乡创业,改善了家乡生活,展现了儒家“修己以安人”的智慧。Vocational education is transforming lives across borders. The partnership between ...
“Ne Zha 2” merchandise sales have exceeded 300 million yuan on Taobao, breaking a two-year record set by “The Wandering Earth ...
Il colosso dell'e-commerce cinese annuncia un investimento di 53 miliardi di dollari in intelligenza artificiale e cloud ...
Home prices in first-tier Chinese cities rose again in January on a monthly basis, official data showed on Wednesday. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), new and ...
2月18日18时16分,随着一架由One ...
随着亚马逊 Parafarmacia & Beauty 在米兰开业,亚马逊首次进军意大利实体商业。一家专注于个人护理的创新商店,拥有尖端技术和一系列独家品牌 Amazon 已决定 uscire dagli schermi per entrare nella vita reale dei suoi clienti con il suo primo negozio fisico in Italia。
欧盟委员会星期三(2月5日)宣布,将寻求对电子商务进口征收新的费用,以此作为应对其中大部分来自中国的大量进入欧盟的“有害”产品努力的一 ...
This document provides the description of relevant factors for evaluating E-commerce transactions, which can help in identifying indicators, evaluation toolkits and an approach for selection of ...