Shouted the giant. "And if I kill him, you will be our slaves." The king asked, "Who will fight Goliath?" "Not me! Not me!" cried the men. "Then David said, 'Send me. I will fight the giant.'" David's ...
在这里,我计划伴你读完1000+本绘本故事。 一个人阅读很孤单,一群人学习更快乐。 Long ago, there was a boy named David. David looked after his father's sheep. And God looked after David. Once a lion came to steal a sheep. Soon war came to ...
这场比赛不仅是David与Goliath的较量,更是近年来足球世界中一场关于荣耀与软弱的争论。正如克洛普在离任时所言:“在安菲尔德我们只相信两件事 ...