研究人员采用了 7T 多模态 MRI 技术,结合结构 MRI(sMRI)、扩散张量成像(DTI)和功能 MRI(fMRI)。研究对象为女性,分为慢性偏头痛不伴药物过度使用性头痛(CM - MOH)组、慢性偏头痛伴药物过度使用性头痛(CM + MOH)组和健康对照组。所有参与者经过严格筛选 ...
that a particular form of MRI, called Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), is capable of robustly detecting pre-malignant lesions in the pancreas. Their study, which could open the way to early ...
Using DTI, they correctly predicted these outcomes in 82 cases out of 100. “Current methods for assessing an individual’s ...
The Pediatric Neuroradiology Division at Texas Children's Hospital covers the full spectrum of pediatric neuroimaging, from trauma CT to advanced MRI (functional MRI, rsfMRI, DTI, MR perfusion, etc.), ...