The truck, owned by Ontario-based Sunrise Equipment Auctions, was custom built for its original owner in 1997. Today, with around just 120,000 miles, the truck still looks brand-new.
The Dominator mechanics truck lineup includes the Dominator CS, DSC12, DSC20, Dominator I, Dominator II, Dominator III and Dominator IV bodies with maximum ratings from 10,000 to 95,000 ft.-lbs.
“On December 27, one of these truck drivers killed a staff member of the Federal Medical Centre, and in January, another person was killed. We are tired of these senseless killings.
To use this helper: Download the reference files uploaded to Gamebanana here As time goes on, this will be updated to support Loenn and have its own Wiki within Github for mini-tutorials for how to ...
Stellar Industries brought several products to the World of Concrete and to last week’s American Rental Association show. At the World of Concrete, Stellar showed its TMAX 1-11 Aluminum Mechanic Truck ...
The Auto-Tires-Trucks group has plenty of great stocks, but investors should always be looking for companies that are outperforming their peers. Custom Truck One Source, Inc. (CTOS) is a stock ...