Standing in his fields among tall, dry corn plants, farmer Dario Sabini inspects the smaller-than-usual corn cobs before ...
This program provides the latest University-based research and information around corn, soybean and small grain production ...
Kent Beadle, Paradigm Futures, says grains rallied with corn making new highs for the move but wheat also saw double digit ...
In South Dakota, Pro Farmer Crop Tour scouts found fields with fewer ears, but grain length was up compared with 2023. South Dakota corn yield estimate: 156.51 bu. per acre, down 0.58% from 2023 ...
STORY: Argentinian farmer Dario Sabini's corn plants should be green at this time of year.Instead, they are dry and crinkle ...
The total area planted with grains should grow 5.8%, to 73.8 million hectares, while the average productivity of crops should increase 0.9%, to 3,693 kilograms per hectare. With the second corn ...
The new sorghum varieties provide a climate-smart alternative grain for food science, breweries and dairy farmers ...
Finally, the Lethbridge feed price needs to trade high enough so producers with malting barley sell into domestic feed ...
with fund traders taking a delay in Brazil's corn crop as a reason to keep piling into the long side of corn futures. -- Wheat for March delivery rose 0.2% to $5.47 1/2 a bushel. -- Soybeans for ...
Ukraine is a major global grain and oilseed grower but its output fell sharply after the Russian invasion in 2022. “This year, farmers have planted more winter wheat – 4.5 million hectares. We also ...
CBOT wheat Wv1 settled up 1-1/4 cents at $5.46-1/4 a bushel. Corn futures backed down from lofty highs as farmers sold grain, seizing on a rally triggered by bullish government crop reports released ...
For corn, old crop is where the tightness lies currently ... Now we watch South American weather and all the factors that influence grain movement out of the region. The Brazilian bean basis ...