A new filing reveals the possible name of a roller-coaster at the new upcoming Universal Kids Resort in Frisco, Texas.
Scientists have discovered the oldest known cerapodan dinosaur fossil in Morocco, discovered back 168 million years.
Known today as the “Black Belt,” the southeastern United States was once covered by an ancient sea—one that continues to ...
Rare evidence about cyclidan crustaceans has been uncovered in the USA, revealing more about how they behaved.
Words: Guy Plint, Western University and Charles Helm, Nelson Mandela University / The Conversation Dinosaurs ...
A study of the fossilised fur of six mammals from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods has found they were all greyish-brown ...
A 168 million-year-old dinosaur fossil discovered in Morocco is reshaping our understanding of cerapodan evolution.
Springtime in Colorado brings the Denver March Powwow, the Denver Home Show and the NCAA tournament. DENVER — The Denver ...
The six-mile-wide asteroid punched a one-way ticket toward extinction for all non-avian dinosaurs. Some 66 million years ...