BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhua) -- China hopes that the relevant parties can find a sustainable and lasting solution to the Ukraine crisis that takes into account each other's concerns, a foreign ministry ...
PERTH, AUSTRALIA - MAY 18: A general view of a Voting Centre on May 18, 2022 in Perth, Australia. The Australian federal ...
From fighting desertification to fostering prosperity, Li Guangxia has remained deeply connected to the grassroots, understanding people's aspirations and addressing their concerns. Follow Miranda and ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
#2025全国两会# 【CGTN即将推出特别节目《代表在身边 民主零距离》】从田间地头到工厂车间,从街头巷尾到雪域高原,全国277.5万名人大代表如何将人民的急难愁盼转化为“看得见”、“摸得着”的好政策?#2025全国两会 ...
综上,欧盟大部分地区的冬季作物状况良好。邻近地区尤其是乌克兰和马格里布的作物产量潜力已遭受严重损失。法国西北部观察到的暴雨,对作物生长造成了不利条件。未来两周欧洲产区整体仅有少量降雨,低于常值。之后我们将持续跟踪欧洲作物生长环境变化,请大家持续关注, ...
Recently, the US ignites tariff battles with multiple countries and regions again, sparking global economic concerns. Who ...
In March, China's Two Sessions will once again attract global attention. For many foreign professionals who follow China, the ...
屈慧贞老师最新录制《新概念英语》第一册精讲视频课堂上线啦!英语书面语从入门到初中级,学这个就够了!点击学习: "The rise of renewable energy technologies presents both opportunities and challenges, as countries must ...
数百名美国航空管理局 (Federal Aviation Administration, 简称FAA)员工在周末被解雇,引发了政府和行业官员对航空安全面临新风险的担忧。 据现任和前任政府及行业官员透露,最近几天,约400名美国航空管理局试用期员工(入职联邦政府不到一年的员工)收到了解雇信。被解雇的员工包括从事安全相关和技术岗位的雇员,以及国防项目的员工。行政和法律人员也被解雇。