Commutative algebra and graph theory are two interconnected fields in mathematics that explore ... research in these areas has focused on the properties of ideals associated with graphs ...
This course gives an introduction to commutative rings and their modules. We study concepts such as localization, decomposition of modules, chain conditions for rings and modules, and dimension theory ...
We introduce a concept of dimension for commutative rings and relate it to the transcendence degree of extension fields. Finally, you will study Dedekind rings and (if we have time) p-adic numbers.
If you're planning to buy an income-generating property, shopping around to find the best mortgage rates can help you make the most of your investment. Check out today's investment property ...
In India, many kids who work in retail markets have good math skills. They can quickly perform a range of calculations to complete transactions. But as a new study shows, these kids often perform ...
Homological algebra and module theory are branches of mathematics that focus on ... A type of ring that has desirable properties in commutative algebra, particularly in relation to the depth ...
Before you take the plunge, it’s essential to understand the current investment property rates available. Knowing what kind of interest rate you can expect to pay on your loan—versus a ...
The Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ESAM) at Northwestern University is highly interdisciplinary and focused on applications. Our faculty and students connect with ...
Forbes Global Properties is owned and run by brokerages, with a Forbes ownership stake creating an interest in our success. Membership in our invitation-only network is reserved for the most ...
Fly View Productions / Getty Images A property tax bill is part of the homeownership experience. Local governments collect these taxes to help fund projects and services that benefit the entire ...