2024年以来,全球商业房地产市场遭遇严峻挑战,美国市场尤其显著。高企的利率、不断攀升的空置率、即将到期的债务以及中小银行的风险敞口,这些问题高度集中于商业房地产领域,市场疲软的症结似乎难以在短期内得到解决。在这样的背景下,基汇资本(Gateway Capital)旗下的美国分支GAW Capital陷入了债务违约的漩涡,其名下位于加利福尼亚州奥克兰的万豪酒店(Marriott Oakland ...
而单2025年开年至今,在传出奥克兰市中心万豪酒店1亿美元债券违约不久前,基汇资本刚刚与新加坡Patience Capital Group(PCG)合作收购了东京银座五丁目的标志性购物中心东急PLAZA银座。
Attacks by the Islamic State-related Allied Democratic Forces in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo have killed at ...
在广州市中心,叫一辆自动驾驶Robotaxi往返机场或高铁站,已经成为现实。Pony.ai officially launched its Robotaxi services in 4 demonstration routes in downtown ...
提示词:A black luxury fashion store. The storefront is an abstract parametric architectural design shaped like a wave of fabric. The store entrance is stacked with people walking out. High resolution, ...
Police apprehend a suspect at the scene where a person was stabbed near the memorial of the murdered jews of Europe in Berlin ...