A sore throat is usually nothing to worry about and goes away on its own, but sometimes it can be a sign of something more ...
Chronic tonsillitis can be a frustrating and painful condition especially during the colder winter months Fortunately herbal ...
Oesophageal cancer can be difficult to spot, as it might not cause any symptoms until swallowing becomes painful ...
Two sexually transmitted infections are spreading faster than ever. Our expert guide tells you everything you need to know, ...
While this throat symptom is usually nothing to worry about, it can sometimes be a sign of something more serious ...
Head and neck cancers are increasingly common in India, with early detection being crucial for better treatment outcomes. We ...
If you have a sore throat or difficulty swallowing, it's likely to be caused by a virus. Unless it doesn't go away. If you ...
Influenza is a highly contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system. Although often dismissed as a seasonal ...
Most of us are aware that a persistent sore throat and a fever are telltale signs of a strep infection, and that they warrant ...