2019年7月21日香港反修例运动白热化期间,元朗西铁站发生白衣人无差别袭击市民事件。事件发生后,警方被指延误到场调查,没有即时制止暴力攻击,造成至少45人受伤,包括时任立法会议员林卓廷、已停运的网媒《立场新闻》记者何桂蓝,以及孕妇、老人、小孩等,引 ...
The paucity of information and the abundance of emergency alerts while police pursued a man across UVa Tuesday have some wondering if it could've been handled differently.
A Hong Kong court jailed former pro-democracy lawmaker Lam Cheuk-ting for rioting in relatino to a mob attack in 2019 ...
A Hong Kong judge on Thursday sentenced a former pro-democracy lawmaker to three years and one month in prison on a charge of ...