that is as it is represented in his drawings, we hum bly believe that the Chemical Telegraph of Prof. Morse was set up merely to blockade the path of another rival Telegraph. The Patent Office ...
The Chemical and Life Sciences Patent Committee addresses issues of particular interest or import relating to the intellectual property protection of inventions in the chemical and biotechnology ...
Drawing with a tablet has many benefits, such as portability, chargeability, and limitless visual effects. The right tablet can feel like an extension of your hand, translating every brushstroke ...
Schneider Electric SE (Paris) announced its patent to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to help reduce the likelihood process safety hazards. The innovation automatically, or semi-automatically, ...
Brookfield Corporation (NYSE: BN) has been a top-performing stock over the decades. The leading global investment manager has ...
Chemical modification describes the modification, addition or removal, through chemical reaction, of any of a variety of macromolecules, including proteins and nucleic acids. It refers to the use ...
Chemical Engineering is concerned with the design and operation of processes which ... factorisation of polynomials; rational functions; singular points; drawing a rational function (the concept of ...
Chemical engineers are problem solvers - they bring new medicines to market, develop alternative fuels, keep food manufacturing safe, and create new manufacturing materials. They move small-scale ...
A Nintendo Switch 2 patent suggests you will be able to plug in the Joy-Con controllers upside down This would cause the image on its display to flip The patent suggests this could allow users to ...
However, the site-specific chemical modification of biomolecules within their native settings remains a formidable challenge. Here we summarize the development of bioorthogonal chemical reporters ...