UCSF researchers found that brain cells age more quickly when they rely solely on the X chromosome inherited from a female's mother, rather than the one from her father. Women inherit two X ...
In a nutshell Female cells randomly use either the maternal or paternal X chromosome—this study shows that relying more ...
People with shorter telomeres, the protective caps at the end of chromosomes, inside their white blood cells may be more ...
Mitosis orchestrates eukaryotic cell division, maintaining genetic fidelity and playing a key role in development, tissue homeostasis, and cancer progression.
It took more than 50 years for Marthe Gautier to set the record straight about her discovery of the genetic cause of Down ...
The image is a time projection of mitochondria (in the cytoplasm, grey) and chromosomes (center of the cell, orange) during anaphase showing a flow pattern with vortexes. The flow pattern is aligned ...
What stands out the most about this ancient cephalopod sex chromosome is how little the chromosome has changed over time.
How is the same process responsible for genetic recombination and diversity also the cause of aneuploidy? Understanding the steps of meiosis is essential to learning how errors occur. Researchers ...
A chromosome is comprised of a single DNA molecule that may be either circular or linear. The full complement of a cell s chromosomes is called the genome. Combining genomics data from the ...
Cephalopods may have the oldest sex chromosomes of any animal, according to a new discovery in the octopus genome. That's a big deal given that scientists didn't know until now if these oddball ...
A Washington State University Spokane research team has made a breakthrough at the cellular level in studying the secrets of ...
Jan. 23, 2025 — There's a downside to being a powerful alpha male -- at least if you're a baboon. Studies show that despite their high rank, the No. 1 males in baboon society are also some of ...