Simplified, the CD47 antibody binds to cancer cells, marking them to be eaten by the body's immune cells. Once the immune cells engulf the tumor, the toxin is released inside, becoming activated and ...
Simplified, the CD47 antibody binds to cancer cells, marking them to be eaten by the body's immune cells. Once the immune cells engulf the tumor, the toxin is released inside, becoming activated ...
ATC免疫刺激的概念超越了CD47,如今研究人员已经开发了新型策略,其能靶向作用其它肿瘤特异性受体来制造ADCs,从而促使机体针对多种难以治疗的癌症。研究人员的目标是在未来三至五年内为临床试验做好首批准备。综上,本文研究结果表明,设计ATCs来促进机 ...
Cancer cells have hijacked this system, by increasing their surface expression of CD47 to promote survival by inhibiting macrophages. Blocking CD47 on cancer cells allows macrophages to not only ...
Magrolimab has been at the forefront of drugs targeting CD47, a protein expressed on cancer cells that sends out a ‘don’t eat me’ signal to macrophage cells of the immune system, and was the ...
2月25日,最新发表在Nature Cancer杂志上的一项研究中,来自德克萨斯大学MD Anderson癌症中心的科学家们开发出了一种新型的抗体-毒素偶联物(antibody-toxin conjugate, ATC),用以刺激免疫系统来根除肿瘤。ATC技术结合了ADC及免疫疗法,有望为癌症患者带来新的治疗选择。
Wen Jiang, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Many solid tumors express the CD47 protein on their surface, which serves as a "don ...