Today: Saturn is just to the lower left of the very bright Venus, two and a half fists held upright and at arm’s length above due southwest at 6 p.m. And this is just the start of Solar System ...
It lies with Pegasus on its left and Cepheus on its right at this time of night. Lacerta is a relatively “young” constellation, first appearing on celestial maps in 1690. Its brightest star ...
The Perseid meteor shower is one of the best shooting star displays of the year. The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most prolific meteor showers of the year. The shower is active from mid ...
Cassiopeia (pronounced kass ee oh pee’ uh) the Queen is one of the first constellations amateur astronomers come to recognize. That’s because its five brightest stars form an asterism that ...
NASA/JPL/CalTech; Image Processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/J. Schmidt and K. Arcand This combined research of Cassiopeia A has also helped astronomers better understand the explosion that created the ...