No matter how good your Dutch becomes, there are always words which it is downright impossible to translate. Here are a few of them. Lesson 54: six words and a gesture we Hè hè Depending on how you ...
Ellie Cook is a Newsweek security and defense reporter based in London, U.K. Her work focuses largely on the Russia-Ukraine war, the U.S. military, weapons systems and emerging technology. She ...
On Nov. 24, 2024, prominent pastors and theologians — including Joe Boot, Jeff Durbin, Andrew Sandlin, James White and Doug Wilson — issued the Antioch Declaration. It describes and denounces ...
Became king following the death of his brother Æthelbald. Like his brother and his father, Aethelbert (pictured above) was crowned at Kingston-upon-Thames. Shortly after his succession a Danish army ...
As a young priest, before becoming bishop of Geneva, he re-evangelized the whole population of Calvinists in Chablais, France. At night he would slip his writings under the doors of anti-Catholics.