By Dr Upul Wijayawardhana Not being a believer in past Buddhas or future Buddhas, there is only one Buddha I believe in, and ...
For a religion that preaches the transience of all things, the ever shifting sands of China's western deserts might seem the ...
A major source of Buddhas is pillage. Every Thai jungle is dotted with temples that are lined with stone Buddhas; robbers knock off the heads—which are the most highly prized parts of the ...
This article and photos were submitted by Instilling Goodness Developing Virtue School staff: On Feb. 8, the grounds of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas came alive with the joyous sounds and ...
Roughly hewed, smiling statues of deities and Buddhas... A monk named Enku is believed to have sculpted some 120,000 in Gifu ...
Drei Mal lehnt der Buddha ihren Wunsch ab. Auch als Buddhas Lieblingsjünger Ananda den Buddha bittet, bleibt er bei seiner Ablehnung – so steht es im Palikanon, der ältesten buddhistischen ...
he was creating "kaiju" monsters and other objects.
This passage underlines the purpose of the Five Precepts in avoiding samsara and rebirth: To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one’s mind - this is the teaching of the Buddhas.
Auf der Suche nach dem alten Tibet - Eine Reise zu Buddhas Erben ist ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem Jahr 2009 von Vilas Rodizio. Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Auf der Suche nach dem alten ...