While true herbicide resistance, driven by genetic changes in the plant, cannot be overcome by any spraying technique, ...
Given the recent warm temperatures in North Texas, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts have put out the word that ...
Unfortunately, if the plant has flowered and produced burs, there’s no way to mow, rake up, or otherwise remove them from the ...
Effeeda is designed to manage resistant weeds affecting rice producers.
What Is a Weed? Not everyone agrees on which plants are weeds, or what to do about them. Not all weeds need to be eradicated.
Most winter annual weeds will germinate in late fall, grow during the winter months, and reach a reproductive stage in the ...
TEXARKANA – The Four States Agricultural Expo returns Feb. 13, bringing together growers and producers from Arkansas, Texas, ...
Are the weeds invading your turf? The cooler weather means that it will be safe to have your lawn treated with a herbicide to ...
From the University of Minnesota Extension The University of Minnesota Extension recommends the following June lawn care tips to make the lawn healthy, weed-free and green. * One of the most ...
Ag News Wire By Gary Wyatt, University of Minnesota Extension natural resource management educator Animal pastures and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields are continually stressed with a ...
Scorch EXT was developed in response to the increasing threat of kochia, including biotypes resistant to glyphosate, dicamba, ...
What looked like a straightforward purchase of a new John Deere 616R Self-Propelled Sprayer delivered some surprises for a ...