The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences are seeking a Professor in silviculture with focus on silvicultural systems. NEFU's College of Life Sciences seeks global scholars in Forest Biology ...
but I also need to find out about birds of prey. So, first things first, what is a bird of prey? MIKE: Birds of prey are really special. They're at the top of the food chain. All birds of prey eat ...
A bird of prey will be patrolling the skies above Inverness ... The organisation said Mr MacKinnon used a lure and calls to guide Angel on her flights. It added: "She soars above the gulls and ...
They set up 20 automated audio recorders across the habitats and used acoustic software and local bird experts to decipher the calls and songs ... owls and other birds of prey.
Listen to the long-tailed tit's song and discover more audio recordings of long-tailed tits on xeno-canto. The calls of jackdaws range from a hard staccato 'tchack' or 'jack', to a slow persistent ...
I've got eight birds of prey. Five of them, I've rescued and three of them I've bought from breeders. My favourite bit about going into schools is the reaction on the children's faces when they ...
“And we can certainly speculate that these flight calls could relate to navigation or finding suitable stopover habitat.” Young birds are thought to learn behaviours from observing other birds ...