More than 1.1 million whitetail deer live in Arkansas, approximately one-third the number of people in the state. Now that we’ve discovered the largest whitetail deer ever harvested in Arkansas, we ...
According to the MDF, habitat improvements are the key to successful conservation of mule deer and black-tailed deer. The organization works with state and federal agencies to determine where its ...
Lacey—had similar affections for trophy whitetail and mule deer racks when they ... meticulous records of the biggest and best-looking deer that ever hit the ground. But their best-in-class ...
After Wyoming attempted to slash regulations around take of mountain lions, the state's houndsmen, hunters, and outfitters ...
The best hunters of mountain lions? Mountain lions. A study of mountain lions in the Snowy Range Mountains suggests that the ...
A bill that would deregulate killing and mandate trapping throughout the state stems from concerns over struggling mule deer, despite scant evidence that killing cats will help deer populations. An ...
Shed hunting is the pursuit for antlers cast off by members of the deer (cervidae) family, including whitetail and mule deer ... And does it ever grow. Covered in velvet, antlers start as living ...
K.O. Strohbehn has experienced the late in the day, heavy, commuter/business/car traffic on Snow King Avenue near Flat Creek ...
So why not, Rogers wants to know, "designate Bigfoot as the official state cryptid"? That's... pretty much the bill, which ...
As North America's largest alpine lake with crystal clear ... Don't Get Close To A Mule Deer Mule deer are a common sight around Lake Tahoe in the summer months when they migrate up to the alpine ...