If something 'lacks' structure, you can 'devise', 'create' or 'impose' one. These verbs are commonly used with the noun 'structure'. Learn common collocations with 'structure' with Phil in this video.
An answer is a response to a question or a problem, and there are many ways we can talk about it. Learn which verbs you’re likely to hear with it. Find a free transcript for this episode and more ...
Two months into Trump's second term, U.N. insiders admit that the new administration has done far more harm than they had ...
Good CTAs are vital. If you want to improve a call to action that isn't performing well, revisit your strategy.
A role is the behaviour of a person in a specific situation. There are some words that we often use together. These are ...
Middle school teachers can use a variety of tech and no-tech games to help students build skills in the target language.
BlackRock Advisors, LLC announced today that, at a special meeting of shareholders of BlackRock Enhanced Government Fund, Inc ...
The New York Times features Connections, a daily word puzzle aimed at improving vocabulary and problem-solving skills. Players sort 16 words into four groups based on thematic connections. The game ...
Reported positive results from the Expanded Access Protocol (NEXT), reinforcing NexoBrid's clinical and real-world benefits across 29 burn centers in the U.S. The study included 239 patients (215 ...
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Verbs are “doing” words. We learnt that in school. Yet lately verbs have been doing weird things for many of you. This year my ...