Surveys, when accurate and done scientifically, without an agenda, can be useful in crafting policy. For pre-election polling, however, the concern about a bandwagon effect is not entirely baseless, ...
Everyone`s a sucker for a heart-shaped, red version of a product they are already familiar with around Valentine`s Day.
Economists use the term "bandwagon effect" to describe the benefit a consumer enjoys as a result of others' using the same product or service. The history of videocassettes offers a striking example ...
This phenomenon, known as the bandwagon effect, can play a significant role in shaping your choices. It's the tendency to do something primarily because many others are doing it, often ...
Citations: Greenstein, Shane. 2004. Review: "Bandwagon Effects in High Technology Industries" by Jeffrey H. Rohlfs. Journal of Media Economics. (3)229-232.
The bandwagon effect is a psychological phenomenon that influences people to do or believe something because many others do or believe the same. It can be a powerful tool to overcome objections in ...
The Silver Empire: How Germany Created its First Common Currency. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 2024. "Voting Like Your Betters: The Bandwagon Effect in the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire," German ...
Hear the full conversation on “The Bandwagon” - Yahoo Sports’ new ... I think none of the new rules are having terrible, unintended, bad effects. And they're all doing a little of what ...