太原,这座历史悠久的城市,被桥梁纵横贯穿,每一座桥都承载着岁月的痕迹,讲述着城市的故事。从古老的汾河大桥到现代化的高架桥,它们不仅连接着城市的南北东西,更见证了太原的变迁与发展。如今,一部关于太原桥梁的纪录片即将开机拍摄,这是一次用镜头镌刻城市之美的 ...
Lion dance, a combination of martial arts, dance and folk music, has emerged over time as a cultural bridge connecting communities across the world. Xinhua reporter Sandra Ahmed traveled to Foshan, ...
Andi is in Burnley to supersize an annual cricket match between members of the local mosques and clergy who, following race riots in 2001, have been staging the contest in order to build bridges betwe ...