它包含多能干细胞,能不断产生可分化为各种细胞类型的细胞群体,是植物生长发育的关键。其中,茎尖分生组织(Shoot Apical Meristem,SAM)是整个地上部分的来源。 苔藓植物和维管植物是姐妹群,苔藓植物的 SAM 存在于配子体中,而维管植物的 SAM 形成于孢子体。
These results suggest a common effect in tree species during their first years of life, whose growth is very dependent of the apical meristem (MENCUCCINI et al., 2007). In addition, there are ...
Heart-of-palm can be harvested from different species of palms (Tabora et al., 1993). It is basically composed of the unexpanded leaves immediately above the apical meristem. Nowadays, also the soft ...