Comprehensive screening analysis of organohalogen compounds in blubber samples of 11 toothed whale species stranded on ...
Since 2006, the sea has become almost two meters shallower, and by the end of the century, it is predicted to fall by another 8–18 meters.
Every visible sight in rural hamlets is filled with solid waste trash. What is the practical mechanism in place to mitigate ...
Heat waves have gotten hotter in the Northern Hemisphere in recent decades. Home to about 90% of the world's population, with ...
India is facing an unprecedented early heatwave in 2025, attributed to human-caused climate change and a severely ...
Alwar: The man-animal conflict in the country has been on the rise over the years with four eastern states being the worst ...
Sentinel-5P reveals the top 10 persistent sources of global methane emissions, highlighting the key sources driving climate ...
Apart from climate change, anthropogenic factors, meaning human activities like habitat destruction, pollution, hunting etc, ...
A new study completed at Kodiak’s NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center implies that ocean acidification, not ocean warming, ...
It is widely accepted that we are currently witnessing the start of a sixth mass extinction. Humans are dramatic ecosystem ...
Scientists detected an unusual radio signal in a remote Australian desert, namely in the so-called quiet zone, where any ...
The impacts of COVID-19 on short-lived pollutants highlight the predominant influence of the transportation sector and the ...