From North Carolina, Oklahoma and Virginia, Machinery Pete gives a rundown on gems from the auction trail, including a “super ...
The stress of forage season is officially underway for farmers across the country. With alfalfa being one of the most important forage crops on the farm and feed prices on the rise, it’s critical to ...
Using water more efficiently in agriculture has many benefits. But bolstering the Colorado River may not be one of them.
The Alfalfa County commissioner meeting was longer this week, as Mike Roach, Nate Ross and Garret Johnson had a lot of ground to cover. Since Farm Bureau Week is coming up, Alfalfa County Farm ...
We all use water and rely on the Great Salt Lake, so we are all in this together. Instead of pitting the lake against agriculture, here's how we can work together to find mutually beneficial solutions ...
University of Minnesota Extension Due to a later-than-usual spring with wet conditions, farmers are going to be pressed to get their spring small grain, alfalfa, corn and soybean crops into area ...
Scott Halpin’s term as Illinois Farm Service Agency executive director concluded with the change of federal administrations.
Despite the uncertainty, Utah cities count on these transfers to help sustain future growth. Washington County, for instance, expects that converting farm fields into homes will free up around 7% of ...
Doug Holen, Extension Educator in Crops, U of M Extension. To address key forage production and management issues in Minnesota, a series of forage workshops ...
Newcastle farmer Kimball Holt said Utah laws have historically encouraged water overuse on the state's farmlands, but a ...