Two years after Alex Honnold famously free-soloed El Cap ... "It would be a 100% deadly outcome if you fall," she notes, speaking to Honnold. "Traffic accidents could be potentially deadly.
On June 3, Alex Honnold climbed one of the most iconic ... While climbing with a partner in the fall of 2016, Honnold slipped on the upper half of the ramp and twisted his ankle.
In June 2017 Alex Honnold cemented his reputation as one of ... He remembers clearly the first time he saw a fellow climber fall to his death. It was at Red Rock Canyon, a popular climbing spot ...
American climber Alex Honnold has soloed The Phoenix (5.13a ... I once lost my grip while free soloing 1,100 feet above the ground, and started to fall but managed to grab a tiny (5.11) hold another ...
His name isn’t Alex Honnold. Meet Jim Reynolds ... I have seen the consequences of what you look like when you fall 1,000 feet to ground. Those images of death are a part of me.” ...